An implanted cardiac pacemakerAn electronic pulse generator that stimulates depolarization of the atria and/or the ventricles. 1. Six Second ECG Guidebook (2012), T Barill, p. 201 with a sensor lead in the right atrium and a second pacing lead in the right ventricleThe right ventricle ejects blood through the main branches of the left and right pulmonary arteries to the lungs. The chambers of the heart are the main drivers within an intricate pathway, delivering blood to the lungs for gas exchange..., senses atrial activity, allows for an appropriate delay for atrial contraction then initiates a depolarizing wave via the ventricular lead (pacer spikeThe telling sign that the rhythm is a paced rhythm; since the pacemaker spike is vertical, virtually no time was spent – this suggests strongly that the spike was initiated artificially and not organically (within the heart); note that a... followed immediately by a QRS complexThe electrical representation of ventricular depolarization; the atrial repolarization is also a part of the QRS. ECG interpretation relies heavily on the QRS complex. The QRS complex represents the depolarization of the ventricles. The repolarization of the atria is also...). The atrial sensed ventricular paced rhythmA cardiac rhythm that is generated by current provided by an artificial pacemaker; vertical pacemaker spikes precede the waves. An electronic pacemaker, or just pacemaker, delivers electrical current to the heart to stimulate depolarization. Pacemaker leads may connect with ventricular... that results is an elegant solution for those without a conducting AV nodeIs located in the inferior aspect of the right atria; functions to slow the conduction speed to allow for atrial conduction prior to ventricular conduction (atrial kick); also serves as a pacemaker if the SA node fails to fire. The..., bundle of HisPart of the AV junction, the bundle of His conducts the impulse through the fibrous plate that separates the atria and the ventricle; the bundle of His is also a pacemaker, firing at 40-60/minute. The bundle of His serves as... or a dual bundle branch blockSince the bundle branches are insulated – they are encapsulated with a fibrous sheath – an obstacle to conduction in any bundle (i.e. ischemia or infarct) results in the impulse not carried through to the ventricle; as a result, the.... This pacemaker connects the changing heart rateThe number of QRS complexes per minute; note that HR may not equal perfused pulse rate. See also: - Step 1 Heart Rate - Rate - Rule of 300s (Triplicate Method) - Six Second Count - The Caliper Method 1.... of the atriaRight and left atria (1/3 volume and muscle mass of the ventricles) pump blood to the ventricles. Chambers and Layers of the Heart 1. Six Second ECG Guidebook (2012), T Barill, p. 190 (physiological response to changing energy requirements) to the ventricular pacing heart rateHeart Rate; calculated by counting the number of QRS complexes in six seconds and multiplying by 10; rate is also determined by measuring the number of large squares between two R waves; i.e. –1 large square = heart rate of 300/minute..