Pattern refers to the repeating components of an ECGElectrocardiogram; also called an EKG; a representation of electrical voltage measured across the chest over a period of time. 1. Six Second ECG Guidebook (2012), T Barill, p. 196 rhythmOften refers to a discernible pattern in time or distance between QRS complexes and/or P waves. in a predicative order. An ECG rhythm that is initiated by one of several intrinsicCharacteristic or property natural to the heart and its structures. 1. Six Second ECG Guidebook (2012), T Barill, p. 198 pacemakerAn electronic pulse generator that stimulates depolarization of the atria and/or the ventricles. 1. Six Second ECG Guidebook (2012), T Barill, p. 201 sites of a heart will often generate a regular, even rhythm patternAn ECG rhythm that is initiated by one of several intrinsic pacemaker sites of a heart will often generate a regular, even rhythm pattern. This can also be referred to as a regularly regular rhythm. For regular rhythms, sometimes the.... This can also be referred to as a regularly regular rhythm. For regular rhythms, sometimes the pattern is temporarily interrupted by ectopics such as PVCA wide QRS complex that arrives early is called a premature ventricular complex (PVC). A PVC has a width of 0.12 seconds or longer. The elongated period of ventricular depolarization is caused by an abnormal, less efficient pathway of ventricular..., PJCA narrow QRS complex that arrives distinctly earlier than expected can be a premature atrial complex or a premature junctional complex (PJC). A PJC can be preceded by an inverted P wave, no P wave (timing places the inverted P..., and PACEarly QRS complexes (usually narrow) make the ECG rhythm pattern irregular. Atrial impulses are preceded by abnormal P waves, often biphasic, but always distinct from the P waves generated by a sinus node. Premature atrial complexes (PAC) are typically benign,.... This would mean that most of the rhythm is regular except for the arrival of extra ectopics. This could be called regularly irregular. For some rhythms, no pattern is found throughout the rhythm. Examples include atrial and ventricular fibrillationA chaotic unorganized cardiac rhythm with several firing regions within the ventricles; the result is uncoordinated ventricular activity and NO cardiac output – a lethal dysrhythmia; fine ventricular fibrillation defines an amplitude less than 3 mm; coarse ventricular fibrillation has... but also multifocal atrial tachycardiaA fast rhythm with rates commonly 150-240/minute; QRS complex is most often narrow; rhythm is usually generated from a re-entry loop – often making use of an accessory bundle and the AV node. 1. Six Second ECG Guidebook (2012), T Barill, p. 191 and its slower counterpart, wandering pacemakerAlso referred to as multiformed atrial rhythm, is a dysrhythmia with at least 3 different P waves originating from the SA node, atria and/or the junction. Various events cause increased automaticity throughout the atria which may lead to a phenomenon.... This complete absence of rhythm pattern can be referred to as irregularly irregular.