A Practice Guide to Basic and 12 Lead ECGElectrocardiogram; also called an EKG; a representation of electrical voltage measured across the chest over a period of time. 1. Six Second ECG Guidebook (2012), T Barill, p. 196 Interpretation, written by Tracy Barill, 2012
The ability to correctly interpret an electrocardiogramThe graphical representation of cardiac electrical activity – voltage (mV – y axis) measured over time (x axis). Figure 4.11 The Scales of the ECG 1. Six Second ECG Guidebook (2012), T Barill, p. 64, 196 (ECG), be it a simple six second strip or a 12 lead ECG, is a vital skillAn ability acquired through practice and learning, allowing someone to perform specific tasks effectively. Skill is like muscle memory; the more it’s practiced, the more natural it becomes. in all critical care areas. Of all critical care skills, meaningful ECG interpretation may be the one skill that sets critical care practitioners apart from other clinicians.
The Six Second ECG is a practical guidebook designed for you to quickly and effectively interpret ECGs. Delivered in a no-nonsense candid style, each chapter builds on previous chapters. A simple and effectiveSuccessfully producing the intended result, regardless of effort or resources used. Being effective is like hitting a target; whether with a straight shot or a series of steps, the goal is ultimately achieved. frameworkAn organized structure that guides understanding, decision-making, or actions within a particular area. A framework is like a skeleton—it provides a solid foundation that can be built upon with details. is presented that enables you to not only identify ECGs but to make sense of the ECG from a clinical perspective.
While ECG interpretation is well covered in several books, The Six Second ECG is unique in its persistent attention to the connections between ECG interpretation, cardiac physiology and clinical significance. A skilled practitioner connects the findings of an ECG to a patient’s clinical condition and uses this informationData or facts that provide context, understanding, or direction but lack application on their own. Information is like a map; it shows the terrain but doesn’t navigate it for you. to decide upon an appropriate treatment strategy.
This Book is For You
If you want to quickly identify and to readily make sense of an ECG from a physiological and clinical perspective, the Six Second ECG is written for you. With an unwavering focus on understanding, the Six Second ECG is designed to help build career-long skills of ECG interpretation. Your time is far too precious to waste on imminently forgotten memory work.
ISBN: 978-0-9864723-0-5