Paramount in importance is the continuous flow of oxygenated blood. This flow is central to metabolism, the production of energy and other materials necessary for life. Energy production is synonymous with life. No energy…no life.
Energy production through oxygenation (with oxygen) yielding 32 ATP molecules from the interaction of one glucose and one oxygen molecule. Blood delivers oxygen and glucose to the tissues. One molecule of glucose is oxidized in the cell’s mitochondria to produce 36 adenosine triphosphate molecules (ATP).
O2 + Glucose = H2O + CO2 ===> 36 ATP
Metabolism that utilizes oxygen is called aerobic metabolismMetabolism that utilizes oxygen is called aerobic metabolism. Energy production through oxygenation (with oxygen) yielding 32 ATP molecules from the interaction of one glucose and one oxygen molecule. "Paramount in importance, though, is the continuous flow of oxygenated blood. This.... The above equation is the balance of the much abbreviated Kreb’s cycle. Any unsettled memories bubbling up? The point is that oxygen when combined with glucose produces a substantial amount of energy.
Note that ATP is the primary energy molecule for the body. Virtually every activity – thinking, movement, cardiac contraction, protein formation, etc. – requires ATP. Without a continuous production of ATP, each of these processes would cease.
When energy demands surpass the supply of vital energy precursors such as oxygen, cells are left with the much less efficientAchieving the desired outcome with minimal waste of time, energy, or resources. Efficiency is like taking the fastest route to a destination, conserving energy for what matters most. anaerobic energy production – metabolism without oxygen. An insufficient supply of oxygen can occur due to hypoxiaA sub-therapeutic blood oxygen level resulting in markedly reduced energy production and the formation of lactic and pyruvic acid (anaerobic metabolism). 1. Six Second ECG Guidebook (2012), T Barill, p. 197, obstructed blood vessels, anemia or low cardiac outputWhat is it? Why is it Vital? The amount of blood pumped out of the ventricle in a minute (most often refers to the blood pumped by the left ventricle) What is cardiac output? Simply, cardiac output is the amount... conditions.
Anaerobic metabolismEnergy production without oxygen with only 2 ATP produced as well as lactic and pyruvic acid. When energy demands surpass the supply of vital energy precursors such as oxygen, cells are left with the much less efficient anaerobic energy production... is not an efficient energy producer.
O2 + Glucose = LACTIC ACID ===> ONLY 2 ATP
Aerobic metabolism is clearly superior to anaerobic metabolism with regards to energy production. Anaerobic metabolism yields only 2 ATP. Also the production of acid (lactic acid) can alter the acid-base balance and hamper several vital intercellular chemical reactions.
Anaerobic metabolism can buy some time for activities that occur sporadically (i.e. sprinting or weight lifting). Anaerobic metabolism does not produce enough ATP to sustain the viability of cells that are engaged in rhythmic or continuous activity (i.e. myocardial cells).
We have all experienced the effects of anaerobic metabolism after over-engaging in a strenuous activity. The next day our muscles are painful. No, not stairs! Our blood vessels simply delivered insufficient amounts of oxygen and nutrients to satisfy the needs of these muscles. The muscles turned to anaerobic metabolism to boost the ATP supply. As a result, lactic acid accumulated in our tissues.
1. Six Second ECG GuidebookA Practice Guide to Basic and 12 Lead ECG Interpretation, written by Tracy Barill, 2012 Introduction The ability to correctly interpret an electrocardiogram (ECG), be it a simple six second strip or a 12 lead ECG, is a vital skill... (2012), T Barill, p. 25